Clean Data is Profitable Data


Updated: 2 days ago

Very little is more important to your DtC marketing than consistent Data Hygiene. Clean data is the foundation for effective communication and successful marketing campaigns. Email bounces and permanently failed email addresses should definitely be reviewed and in cases they cannot be resolved, the customer account should be updated to inactive status. By being vigilant in your efforts to keep your data clean, you save time, save money, and are better able to effectively gauge the success of campaigns. Among the benefits of keeping your customer data clean are:

  • Better sale and marketing outcomes
  • More concise email metrics
  • Helps maintain your reputation as a responsible marketer
  • A clean customer database saves you time after the cleaning
  • A clean list means fewer spam email accounts, which can cause problems

The best place to start your data cleaning is in eCELLAR’s Customer email/address search screen where you can segment customers by bounces and email opens. There is no better time to start the email clean up than right how.

Steps in eCELLAR…

  1. Search for Bounced Emails: Set Customer Search to Bounced = Yes, Wants Email = Yes.
  2. Review and Clear Soft Bounces: Examine each customer and clear the bounce for any “soft” bounces (e.g., bounce notes will say “Recipient mailbox full” or “Server is down”) by unchecking the bounced box in the customer card.
  3. Correct Email Mis-keys: Fix any email addresses with obvious errors (e.g., gmail.coooom,
  4. Opt-Out Permanent Failures: For customers with permanent email failures that cannot be corrected, mark them as Opt Out to prevent them from appearing in future searches (e.g., bounce notes will say “No such user” or “No such host”). Resending to these addresses can negatively affect our overall sender score – keeping a high sender score, ensures that your emails effectively reach your audience, enhancing the overall success of your email campaigns.
  5. Save Search (see step
  6. #1) and Monitor: Save this search to easily monitor it regularly.

FYI – with recent Campaign Manager enhancements due to Yahoo/Google requirements, bounced emails will now automatically create a customer note, allowing you to track which campaigns didn’t arrive.

If you ever have any questions or would like additional guidance, please email